суббота, 12 декабря 2015 г.

The expert explained why cats are upset

The expert explained why cats are so fond of upsetting things. This habit of pets, I must say, irritates many owners.

Its conclusions on this matter presented a well-known veterinarian Eric Douteri (Dr. Eric Doughtery). Previously, it was believed that cats causes upsetting things instinct. "Victims" are often the cups, saucers and pots of flowers. Ostensibly, this is how the animals hone their skills. However, according to Douteri, this conclusion is incorrect, because cats prey on small and moving objects, rather than stationary.

But what is the reason for such behavior of pets? The expert believes that in this way the cat wants to attract the attention of the owner. Tell him that she is hungry or experiencing health problems. And animals do so when nervous. And to break the peace of mind of a pet can be any change of situation to which he was accustomed.

It would be unreasonable to demand from the cats 'ideal' behavior. "In contrast to the cows and dogs that we have domesticated cats domesticated themselves. They do not need people to survive, "- said Eric Douteri. In order to avoid the destruction of valuable objects, he advises to arrange for pet quiet secluded area.

Previously, we recall, another group of researchers found that the freedom-loving nature of dogs and their love of solitude due to the fact that people do not associate these animals to safety. The experiment showed that being in a strange place, a cat does not count on the owner and can not see in it the guarantor of its security.

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