вторник, 29 декабря 2015 г.

Ocelot (lat. Leopardus pardalis) - one of the most prominent representatives of the cat family and at the same time - one of the least studied. The Latin name of this mysterious predator means "like a leopard", but where the ocelot lives - in Latin America and southern North Texas - leopards are not found. And the word "ocelot" is likely to Aztec roots and comes from «tlacelot», ie "field tiger."

The smallest horse in the world's growth in 36 centimeters

суббота, 12 декабря 2015 г.

Cockroaches entice females demonstration "muscles"

In order to attract a female, the males Antillean cockroach (Byrsotria fumigata) perform a kind of ritual, demonstrates "bulging biceps."

According to Sci-news, to attract the attention of a future partner, West Indian cockroaches begin to flap their wings vigorously. According to a study carried out the Dr. Sophie Moules from the University of Nottingham, the males with the most vigorous movements had a greater chance of success than their sluggish cousins. And a show of force for the females was even more important than the size of the male.

"Signs of male stamina is definitely important for females as it should be passed on to offspring good genes, so they avoided death and after, in turn, attracted good females" - summarized Dr. Moules.

As an example, a similar ritual among other fauna she brought the Sword-fish Xiphophorus sp., Which the males during courtship actively waving their large tails - this also requires a lot of energy. There is a similar ritual and wolf spiders of the family araneomorphae. To attract females they begin intensive stomping legs - "to play the drum."

Earlier, the scientists also found that cockroaches emit specific "pheromones". The fragrance that is created by intestinal microflora of insects and secreted with feces, cockroaches forces to come together.
The expert explained why cats are upset

The expert explained why cats are so fond of upsetting things. This habit of pets, I must say, irritates many owners.

Its conclusions on this matter presented a well-known veterinarian Eric Douteri (Dr. Eric Doughtery). Previously, it was believed that cats causes upsetting things instinct. "Victims" are often the cups, saucers and pots of flowers. Ostensibly, this is how the animals hone their skills. However, according to Douteri, this conclusion is incorrect, because cats prey on small and moving objects, rather than stationary.

But what is the reason for such behavior of pets? The expert believes that in this way the cat wants to attract the attention of the owner. Tell him that she is hungry or experiencing health problems. And animals do so when nervous. And to break the peace of mind of a pet can be any change of situation to which he was accustomed.

It would be unreasonable to demand from the cats 'ideal' behavior. "In contrast to the cows and dogs that we have domesticated cats domesticated themselves. They do not need people to survive, "- said Eric Douteri. In order to avoid the destruction of valuable objects, he advises to arrange for pet quiet secluded area.

Previously, we recall, another group of researchers found that the freedom-loving nature of dogs and their love of solitude due to the fact that people do not associate these animals to safety. The experiment showed that being in a strange place, a cat does not count on the owner and can not see in it the guarantor of its security.

среда, 2 декабря 2015 г.

Maltese Tiger - is the most rare species of tigers in the world. He is also known as the blue tiger. Habitat - Fuchzhian Province, China. According to eyewitnesses, this cat bluish fur with dark gray stripes.

воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

Kakapo - owl parrot, like a puppy

Kakapo looks like an owl, not gray, but bright as a parrot. She has a distinctive musty smell. Kakapo fairly large - it is the heaviest parrot in the world that can not fly, but it has large wings. It is said that the habits of kakapo remind schenka.Nesmotrya that kakapo can not fly, they can walk, jump and climb on the rocks beautifully. They can cry like normal birds, but do produce other sounds more like a donkey or a screeching roar svini.V world have less than 150 individuals kakapo, they all live in New Zealand, on the left the island. View the complete disappearance of close to, but still hope to save these amazing birds still there.

So sleeping swans.

Black Knife.

 This fish lives at the bottom of the sand and rapid streams of Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia. Black Knife - predator. It feeds on various crustaceans, worms and small rybёshkami. The length is 50 cm and 35-40 cm in the aquarium. The males are larger than females.
It has electric organ, which is used to capture food and repel enemies.
Black Knife - night solitary fish. During the day it hides in shelters.
Despite the fact that he is a predator, black knife can live in an aquarium with other large fish. The aquarium should be covered. The water temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius. It requires good aeration and filtration.

вторник, 17 ноября 2015 г.

Snow leopard or snow leopard - the rarest and unusual feline. Unlike other wild cats, he does not know how to roar.

Jack Russell Terrier - Hunting dog breed is originally from the UK, known to many by the movie "The Mask," in which a dog named Milo played the role of a loyal and indefatigable companion of the protagonist. Their original and, perhaps, the main specialization - Norn hunting foxes and other small animals. However, because of their good-natured and cheerful character they make wonderful companion dogs.

суббота, 14 ноября 2015 г.

These fabulous creatures have a unique vision and are able to move with incredible speed. Being active hunters, they can see better than the complicated military image processing software, and can strike the victim with the power of 22-caliber bullets.

Thick azure forty (s. Urocissa caerulea) - one of forty species of azure of the family Corvidae. It is considered a symbol of Taiwan. The birds live in mountainous areas at an altitude of 300 - 1200 m. It has a very memorable appearance.

пятница, 13 ноября 2015 г.

Fossa - one of the rarest mammals living in Madagascar and is the largest predator of the endemic island. Outside Foss is so unusual that the scientists for a long time puzzled over to what the animals mean to take it. Foss resembles a large mountain lion, hyena, civets, as well as remotely looks like a lion. Its size is 80 cm, the tail usually the same length as the body. The animal hunts mostly at night, his favorite prey are considered lemurs, followed Foss cleverly climb trees using both legs, and tail. Do not give up, and from the predator birds and even insects. Like the skunk glands secrete an unpleasant Foss "fragrant" secret, which, according to legend Aboriginal kills sacrifice one of its poisonous smell.
Africanized Honey Bee - an extremely aggressive insect persecute anyone who approached the hive. Randomly approaching him sacrifice bees literally "stuck to" and continue to bite until she runs away to a distance of about half a mile. The victims of these insects are already several thousand people.

                            Ant - Panda

This is not a visitor from the future and not the ant-mutant. That is do not look quite familiar to our eyes wingless wasp Euspinolia militaris family of wasps Germans living in Latin America and in particular in Chile.

At the age of 40 years old eagle talons are too long and flexible, and it can not seize their prey. Its beak is too long and curved and does not allow him to eat. The feathers on the wings and breasts become too thick and heavy and hinder the fly. Now the eagle is facing a choice: either death or a long and painful period of change which lasts 150 days ... He flies to its nest, located on the top of the mountain and there is a long time beating beak against a rock until the beak does not break and peel off ... Then he waits not grow a new beak, which it pulls its claws ... When grow new claws eagle them pulls its too heavy feathering on the chest and the wings ... And then, after 5 months of pain and suffering, with the new beak, claws and feathers eagle again revived and can to live another 30 years ...

Very often, in order to live, we have to change, sometimes this process is accompanied by pain, fear, doubt ... We get rid of memories, habits and traditions of the past ... only relief from burden of the past allows us to live and enjoy the present and prepare yourself for the future ...
But most small cloven-hoofed animals are mouse-like deer Kanchi. Their growth, depending on the species, from 20 to 70 cm and a weight of from two to eight kilograms. It is an ancient, endangered group of animals.

вторник, 27 октября 2015 г.


Thai cats do not like being alone, so go for the owner on the heels, and even when he takes a bath, manage perched on the edge of it and play in the water tab.

Banana spider or a Brazilian Wandering Spider.

In 2007, the monster hit the Guinness Book of Records as the originator of the largest number of human deaths. These spiders are dangerous not only to their poison, but also their own behavior. Banana spider - the most poisonous spider creatures do not sit still, and wander through the land, hiding in cars, houses, clothes and shoes. This increases the probability of encountering poisonous animals.

суббота, 17 октября 2015 г.

Scientists: Dinosaurs died out because of the growth of the Earth's gravity

Scientists from Vladivostok suggested that the extinction of the dinosaurs contributed to the growth of the Earth's gravitational force. His hypothesis is confirmed paleontologists mathematical calculations.

According to one hypothesis, the authors Anatoly Drozdov, has long minds from around the world concerned about the fact that the animals of the past, the existence of which is undeniable, now hardly able to survive because of the increase from the time the force of attraction. It is the first of the giants, weighing dozens of tons.

Scientists from the Institute of Marine Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences reviewed the available information on the evolution of over 150 million years, 11 species of the largest land animals. The result was that the dinosaurs appeared and evolved in completely different circumstances - when Earth's gravity was 2,079 times smaller than now.

Moreover, according to scientists, dinosaurs became extinct because of a sharp (in geological terms) changes in gravity. It happened about 60-100 million years ago due to the accumulation of the past 100 million years the Earth's surface large amounts of cosmic dust - the mass of the planet has increased and increased the force of gravity, which the dinosaurs could not move.

Why bullfinches fly it for the winter and where to fly in the spring?

Bullfinches - sedentary birds, and not in some distant lands, they do not fly away in the spring. It turns out, bullfinches spend most of their lives in coniferous forests, and in the winter gather in flocks and fly in search of food in the next town. All peeled rowan berry and left without food sparrows, bullfinches voracious fly back. It is also true in the summer in the woods to see the birds is very difficult: they do not cry out loud all the time hiding in the trees.

суббота, 10 октября 2015 г.

Not all animals in Australia want to kill you...

Little lizard made a crib in a rosebud, and it's so cute!

How often do you happen to going on business, stopping to sniff a beautiful flower? This ability to notice the beauty around him is worth a lot. This Texan family was lucky encounter with a real miracle, when her daughter tore beautiful rose beds, to give to his mother, and what a surprise it was all as beautiful rosebud inside they found a tiny lizard, who was asleep, curled up in Kalachik! That's for sure it was nice and touching, as if in a fairy tale!

четверг, 8 октября 2015 г.

Scientists have found a rat with a pig nose and a very long pubic hair

In the north of the island of Sulawesi (Indonesia) zoologists have discovered a new type of rostellar rats differ unusual appearance. About predatory rodent with a narrow mouth, nose like a pig nose, and very long hair to the urogenital area, described in the journal Journal of Mammalogy, and briefly reported on the opening of publication Mashable.

Animals found in a trap set on Mount Dako in 2013. Big nose, elongated hind legs and an unusually long hairs immediately indicated Theriology Kevin Rowe (Kevin Rowe) that before him - unknown to science species. Creature weighs about 250 grams, and its length from nose to tail reaches 45 centimeters.

Similar pubic hair found in some Australian marsupial rat (eg, potoru). Scientists do not know what is the function of a particular anatomy. "Probably, the hair somewhat assisted reproduction. They are both males and females, such as long, as the whiskers. They do not look like pubic hair man "- said Rowe.

In addition, a new type of rodents Hyorhinomys stuempkei are extremely narrow mouth opening: they do not have some of the jaw bones, which help other mammals chew food. Rather, they swallow their prey (worms and insect larvae) in its entirety.

Unlike most rodents, the front teeth are painted in brown and slightly angular cutters Hyorhinomys stuempkei - white and pointed, adapted to prokusyvaniyu production.

Rowe is involved in a major research project to study the diversity of mammals Wallace (biogeographic region, includes a group of islands separated by deep straits of the Asian and Australian continental shelves) and Australia. In Sulawesi, scientists have discovered many new species of rodents, including almost devoid of rat teeth and "amphibious" rat.

Paleontologists: birds learned to fly at least 125 million years ago

Scientists have discovered that the ancient ancestors of birds learned to fly quite a long time - at least 125 million years ago. Previously, the researchers were not sure that a very primitive structure of ancient birds allowing them to rise into the air. More information about the results of the work can be found in the journal Scientific Reports.

The first ancestors of modern birds - archeopteryx - appeared on the planet about 150 million years ago, and they have been found in present-day Germany. Archaeopteryx dimensions do not exceed the size of a crow, and the structure of his body resembled reptiles. The primitive compared to modern birds wing structure makes scientists to doubt whether Archaeopteryx was capable of full flight.

The researchers studied unusually well-preserved wing of an ancient bird that lived on Earth about 125 million years ago. As a result of paleontologists concluded that despite the fact that the skeleton of a bird after all different from the present, the location and strength of the muscles demonstrate the ability of flying creatures. Moreover, according to the authors, made a bird just as its counterparts living today.

Most worker ants appeared inveterate idlers and loafers

Ants, like the bees, for a long time there was a special reputation workaholic working very hard feet. But this pattern has in common with the reality of more than cunning foxes or hedgehogs love to apples. According to a new study, the majority of working individuals in the anthill can stay idle.

Observations were made on small brown ants Temnothorax rugatulus, inhabit coniferous forests of North America. Like many other ants, their working individuals have particular specialty: some are busy in construction, others - exploration and production of food, others take care of the offspring. However, judging by the results of the biologists in Arizona, most working individuals "specialize" to doing nothing.

In the laboratory, the scientists looked at the behavior of a few hundred ants from five different colonies using colored tags to track their movements. Within two weeks, the camera takes an event six times a day, making the recording time of five minutes. The authors then analyzed the data, follow the movements (or lack of movement) in some individuals. So they found that among worker ants 71.9% does not occupied at least half the time, and 25.1% and did never managed to catch for some productive work. Only a small percentage of insects - 2.6% of working individuals - worked constantly, as it should be ants.

Previously, scientists had thought about the fact that the ants are not nearly as hard-working, as is commonly believed. This is attributed to the fact that the activity in the anthill can be distributed throughout the day between the plurality of insects, working "in shifts", due to the displacement of some of their circadian rhythms and daily activity. However, according to new data, lazy individuals remain permanently inactive. The authors suggest that the total laziness may be associated with age, individuals are too young to work or it's too old and "retired." However, there are other hypotheses, "lazy" individuals may be in standby, saving power in case of special need. Their behavior may have some other, yet unknown to us function.


четверг, 1 октября 2015 г.

                  The smallest particle

In summer, a team of researchers working with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), said that opened the Higgs boson, which is called the "God particle." The Higgs boson - is the last missing piece in the Standard Model - the generally accepted theory today about the structure of the universe.

The so-called God particle was predicted in 1960 by the English physicist Peter Higgs to explain why some particles such as quarks, electrons and protons have have mass, while other particles, such as photons - are not.

It has long been desired particle can complete the standard model of physics, explaining why the objects in our universe have mass, and hence why the galaxies, planets and even people have a right to exist. According to the theory, when the universe began to cool after the Big Bang, the hypothetical force was formed, known as the Higgs field, together with its quantum - eponymous boson.
This field permeates the entire universe, explains the emergence of the mass of the particles that formed the atoms. Without him, the existence of particles just floated in space to the speed of light. It is known that particles having a mass accelerated to the speed of light can not. The weight they gain just as contact with the Higgs field.

Since the "catch" the Higgs boson is not possible, then the only way to confirm today its existence - is to collect and analyze a large amount of information about the collisions of elementary particles and reveal special "stereotype of splitting", which can be accompanied by nothing but "God particle." That is what the scientists working on the LHC.

These sets of similar experiments on the LHC detectors were submitted to two independent groups of scientists from the CMS and ATLAS. At first the result of a bit has not held up to the level of scientific discoveries from the second opening took place.

"We are seeing a new boson with a mass of about 125 GeV. CMS detector" sees "a new particle - the level of statistical significance of the signal in the individual channels the search exceeded the required five standard deviations," - said the representative of the group CMS Joe Incandela.

He noted that the statistical significance of the combined results of searches in all five channels is 4.9 sigma - 0.1 sigma less than the opening level. In this case, two of the five channels search particles exceeds the statistical significance level is 5 sigma. In the ATLAS GROUP saw "clear evidence of the existence of a new particle, with a significance level of 5 sigma (which corresponds to the opening level), with a mass of about 126 GeV."

Large Hadron Collider built a 100-meter depth under the border of France and Switzerland. It is a 27-kilometer circular tunnel, which is set particle accelerator in the form of a giant pipe. Studies in the LHC in opposite directions run beams of protons that are accelerated to very high speeds, close to the light, and then a part of them collide with each other, resulting in the need to be born and new elementary particles.

In September 2011 the first group of experimental physicists announced that neutrinos sent from the CERN laboratory near Geneva to an underground Italian laboratory Gran Sasso at a distance of 732 km, arrive at the detector 60 nanoseconds earlier than the flow of light in a vacuum at the same distance . This was contrary to the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein, but in February 2012 the experts from the Gran Sasso acknowledged that the error indicators affected devices.
           The most little cat in the world

  Cats accompanying person over 10, 000 years, became not only an object of universal admiration, but also the subject of the work of breeders. Now think for a moment! The planet is home to over 100 officially registered species, which are divided into more than 700 subspecies, excluding "mongrels" and the number-tailed striped than 600 million individuals. And among this world, there is only one, the smallest breed of cat in the world - Toy-Bob.

The size of adult cats can be compared with the size of 5-month-old kitten, weighs less than 2.5 kg. Not knowing what to you Toy-Bob, looking at the photos, you can decide what is the Siamese kitten born without a tail, as the Bobtail. The peculiarity of the breed - huge child-open eyes and "exclusive" shape of the tail, which is a feature of each individual representative of the breed.

суббота, 26 сентября 2015 г.

The biggest dog in the world

Among the most popular pets - dogs, there are many breeds and sizes. Let's get acquainted with the facts of this section - the biggest dog in the world.
Admire the huge George - blue dog. This four-dog has growth at the withers of 2 meters and 13 centimeters. And the weight is appropriate - 111 kg.
Judging by the very impressive images, the image of the handsome dog George is more like a small horse, not a dog.
Impressive distance from the shoulder to the foot of this giant dog tribe - it is 1 meter 10 centimeters, and from its nose to the tip of the tail - as much as 2 meters and 21 centimeters.
In recognition of the extraordinary dog ​​owner Dave Nasser living in Arizona, a giant pet monthly eats about 50 kilograms of dog food. Accordingly, the bed that sleeps George, also a huge size.
The couple Christine and Dave Nasser acquired George 7-month-old puppy, and then there were no signs of turning it into a true giant.
As long as the dog has not reached such an impressive size, the bed he shared with the owners.

четверг, 24 сентября 2015 г.

The bear eats and how? ...

    Yes practically all. From plant loves nuts, acorns, mushrooms, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, rowan berries and viburnum. Do not give up chicks, small little animals, ants and, of course, fish. And then, if very hungry, it can attack even moose. Interestingly bear hunts for ants. Shove your tongue in an anthill, and waits for the ants swarmed him. All en masse and swallows. Toptygin avid fisherman and can sit for hours on the banks of the river. Paw raised while waiting for the fish. Once the bear noticed the fish deftly and accurately it beats strong paw, pulls out of the water and feasting. What about honey? Find the sweet tooth in a hollow tree bee colony, it will launch its paw, pull sweet honeycomb and honey eaten whole. Bear bee stings quite uneasy. From the sharp stings of angry insects bear makes a thick coat ....

taken from http://klub-drug.ru/viktorina/interesnye-fakty-o-zhivotnyh.html

вторник, 22 сентября 2015 г.

How many years of live turtles?

  This we think that turtles are very long-lived, but in reality it's not quite true. Only one species can live for over 200 years - a giant tortoise from the Galapagos Islands. The average rate for all other species - 20 - 30 years. A red-eared sliders with proper care on average live 30 years.

среда, 16 сентября 2015 г.


In 1991, Gilberto Sedden found on the banks of the river crocodile dying, a shot in the left eye. He was taken away in his boat and nursed for six months at home. He called it Pocho.

When Pocho recovered, Gilberto brought him to the river, but he returned to him into the house and began to live in a pond nearby. They began every day to swim together, play and cuddle, and later became Gilberto hold this view for tourists. In 2011, Pocho died of old age.

1. Octopus rectangular pupil.

2. giraffes very big heart and very high blood pressure of all land animals.

3. The temperature of the blood in the Antarctic fish can reach -1.7 degrees Celsius.

4. The weight of the brain of an elephant is about 0.27% of the weight of his body.

5. From one of ostrich eggs can make eleven and a half omelets.

6. The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible - a cat.

7. The adult whale 2 seconds inhales 2400 liters of air.

8. In the world there are 321 kind of hummingbirds (eg mecheklyuvaya, red, rubinogolovaya, Sappho, angel, long-tailed, topaz, raketohvostaya, gigantic (the size of a sparrow :).

9. Zebra - white with black stripes, and not vice versa.

10. The body of the caterpillar more muscle than in the human body.

11. By attacking their prey, sharks turn a blind eye to flailing their extraction avoid injury.

12. From bee stings each year die 3 times more people than from the bites of rattlesnakes.

13. Movement speed snail - about 1.5 mm / sec.

14 species of sea stars, called Lunckia columbiae can fully reproduce the body of the particle length of 1 centimeter.

15. Weight ostrich egg can be up to 1.5 kg.

16. Snakes can sleep for 3 years in a row, taking nothing for food.

17. The flea can jump to 33 cm in one jump. If people had the same jumping ability, a person could make jumps on 213 meters!

18. The animal with the largest brain in relation to body - mypavey.

19. Elephant - the only animal with 4 knees.

20. Hesmotpya on gopb, spine y vepblyuda p.pyamo.

21. Kpot can for odny night ppopyt tynnel long 76 the subway.

22. In ylitki about 25,000 zybov.

23. Polyapnye bears mogyt skopostyu run at 40 km / h.

24. Kpokodily swallow stones to glybzhe nypnyt.

25. kpovi kyznechika white lobstepa - golybogo.

26. To make kilogpamm honey bee should fly 2 million. Flowers.

27. No zhelydka moth.

99% live syschestv that lived on Earth died.

Marine rabbit - charming slug

It turns out nice and fluffy can be even slugs. For example, here such kind Jorunna parva. They are also called sea pigs and live it in the area of ​​Japan. Sometimes found in the Indian Ocean and around the Philippines.
The body length of the sea rabbit barely more than a couple of centimeters. What do you think the ears, is actually a kind of taste buds and ear simultaneously. Thanks to them, slugs determine chemical environment, and continue to explore the acoustics of your hard way on the seabed. Today, in the Japanese segment of Twitter is booming around the sea rabbits. In Japan these creatures called gomafu biroodo umiushi. Watch the video below, made the Japanese coast.

Source: http://re-actor.net/animals/11104-sea-rabbit.html#ixzz3lvQQGey8
Source: http://re-actor.net/animals/11104-sea-rabbit.html#ixzz3lvQHF2xU
 In the north of South America lives Surinam toad. Nature carefully treated to preserve its offspring. On the back of a toad is Bag incubator - a small depression, the closed fold of skin. Male carefully pushes each egg laid by the females in the bag incubator. The female wears eggs for themselves, protecting them from accidental loss or attack.

Small tadpoles continue to live in her mother's incubator until turn into frogs.