суббота, 26 сентября 2015 г.

The biggest dog in the world

Among the most popular pets - dogs, there are many breeds and sizes. Let's get acquainted with the facts of this section - the biggest dog in the world.
Admire the huge George - blue dog. This four-dog has growth at the withers of 2 meters and 13 centimeters. And the weight is appropriate - 111 kg.
Judging by the very impressive images, the image of the handsome dog George is more like a small horse, not a dog.
Impressive distance from the shoulder to the foot of this giant dog tribe - it is 1 meter 10 centimeters, and from its nose to the tip of the tail - as much as 2 meters and 21 centimeters.
In recognition of the extraordinary dog ​​owner Dave Nasser living in Arizona, a giant pet monthly eats about 50 kilograms of dog food. Accordingly, the bed that sleeps George, also a huge size.
The couple Christine and Dave Nasser acquired George 7-month-old puppy, and then there were no signs of turning it into a true giant.
As long as the dog has not reached such an impressive size, the bed he shared with the owners.

четверг, 24 сентября 2015 г.

The bear eats and how? ...

    Yes practically all. From plant loves nuts, acorns, mushrooms, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, rowan berries and viburnum. Do not give up chicks, small little animals, ants and, of course, fish. And then, if very hungry, it can attack even moose. Interestingly bear hunts for ants. Shove your tongue in an anthill, and waits for the ants swarmed him. All en masse and swallows. Toptygin avid fisherman and can sit for hours on the banks of the river. Paw raised while waiting for the fish. Once the bear noticed the fish deftly and accurately it beats strong paw, pulls out of the water and feasting. What about honey? Find the sweet tooth in a hollow tree bee colony, it will launch its paw, pull sweet honeycomb and honey eaten whole. Bear bee stings quite uneasy. From the sharp stings of angry insects bear makes a thick coat ....

taken from http://klub-drug.ru/viktorina/interesnye-fakty-o-zhivotnyh.html

вторник, 22 сентября 2015 г.

How many years of live turtles?

  This we think that turtles are very long-lived, but in reality it's not quite true. Only one species can live for over 200 years - a giant tortoise from the Galapagos Islands. The average rate for all other species - 20 - 30 years. A red-eared sliders with proper care on average live 30 years.

среда, 16 сентября 2015 г.


In 1991, Gilberto Sedden found on the banks of the river crocodile dying, a shot in the left eye. He was taken away in his boat and nursed for six months at home. He called it Pocho.

When Pocho recovered, Gilberto brought him to the river, but he returned to him into the house and began to live in a pond nearby. They began every day to swim together, play and cuddle, and later became Gilberto hold this view for tourists. In 2011, Pocho died of old age.

1. Octopus rectangular pupil.

2. giraffes very big heart and very high blood pressure of all land animals.

3. The temperature of the blood in the Antarctic fish can reach -1.7 degrees Celsius.

4. The weight of the brain of an elephant is about 0.27% of the weight of his body.

5. From one of ostrich eggs can make eleven and a half omelets.

6. The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible - a cat.

7. The adult whale 2 seconds inhales 2400 liters of air.

8. In the world there are 321 kind of hummingbirds (eg mecheklyuvaya, red, rubinogolovaya, Sappho, angel, long-tailed, topaz, raketohvostaya, gigantic (the size of a sparrow :).

9. Zebra - white with black stripes, and not vice versa.

10. The body of the caterpillar more muscle than in the human body.

11. By attacking their prey, sharks turn a blind eye to flailing their extraction avoid injury.

12. From bee stings each year die 3 times more people than from the bites of rattlesnakes.

13. Movement speed snail - about 1.5 mm / sec.

14 species of sea stars, called Lunckia columbiae can fully reproduce the body of the particle length of 1 centimeter.

15. Weight ostrich egg can be up to 1.5 kg.

16. Snakes can sleep for 3 years in a row, taking nothing for food.

17. The flea can jump to 33 cm in one jump. If people had the same jumping ability, a person could make jumps on 213 meters!

18. The animal with the largest brain in relation to body - mypavey.

19. Elephant - the only animal with 4 knees.

20. Hesmotpya on gopb, spine y vepblyuda p.pyamo.

21. Kpot can for odny night ppopyt tynnel long 76 the subway.

22. In ylitki about 25,000 zybov.

23. Polyapnye bears mogyt skopostyu run at 40 km / h.

24. Kpokodily swallow stones to glybzhe nypnyt.

25. kpovi kyznechika white lobstepa - golybogo.

26. To make kilogpamm honey bee should fly 2 million. Flowers.

27. No zhelydka moth.

99% live syschestv that lived on Earth died.

Marine rabbit - charming slug

It turns out nice and fluffy can be even slugs. For example, here such kind Jorunna parva. They are also called sea pigs and live it in the area of ​​Japan. Sometimes found in the Indian Ocean and around the Philippines.
The body length of the sea rabbit barely more than a couple of centimeters. What do you think the ears, is actually a kind of taste buds and ear simultaneously. Thanks to them, slugs determine chemical environment, and continue to explore the acoustics of your hard way on the seabed. Today, in the Japanese segment of Twitter is booming around the sea rabbits. In Japan these creatures called gomafu biroodo umiushi. Watch the video below, made the Japanese coast.

Source: http://re-actor.net/animals/11104-sea-rabbit.html#ixzz3lvQQGey8
Source: http://re-actor.net/animals/11104-sea-rabbit.html#ixzz3lvQHF2xU
 In the north of South America lives Surinam toad. Nature carefully treated to preserve its offspring. On the back of a toad is Bag incubator - a small depression, the closed fold of skin. Male carefully pushes each egg laid by the females in the bag incubator. The female wears eggs for themselves, protecting them from accidental loss or attack.

Small tadpoles continue to live in her mother's incubator until turn into frogs.


Cornucopia - as Cubans call the animal Caribbean sponge, which is shaped like a horn of plenty. All my life it sits in the same place, attach to underwater rocks or cliffs. It feeds on small animal single-celled organisms, which fall to it with sea water.
Horny substance of which was built the skeleton of the animal, according to their chemical composition similar to silk, contain large amounts of iodine. The height of the horn of plenty - more than a meter.
Besides this kind of Caribbean pink sponge found in the tropical coast of Central America and in the Mediterranean Sea.
Few people know that the sea sponge - the skeleton of the animal. This is a very archaic animal, almost unchanged since ancient times. At the beginning of the Paleozoic era, t. E. 520 million years ago, there were a sponge, like today.

The three-eyed lizard tuatara - the inhabitant of the desert islands of New Zealand - do not bother with device holes. She prefers a cozy nest of sea petrel.

Somehow lizard bird "negotiate" about communal living. According to a strictly defined "routine" they use nest in two shifts.

Puffin returns home for the night - just at a time when the lizard to hunt. But it happens that the bird bored hangers, and a lizard being driven away. It sets out no arguments, tuatra obediently moves to a new apartment - another petrels. This flexible "character" is produced from the hanger at once. After tuatry lizards live, by definition, scientists, five hundred years!

Few people know that there is a snake venom is ejected in a trickle to a distance of four meters! Three species of snakes, cobras lives in the tropical forests of Africa and South Asia.

The "shooting" cobras in his mouth is not a longitudinal slot and a small round hole. With a sharp reduction of toxic poison glands thin streams ejected from these holes. In the case of a miss cobra repeats "shot" several times.

Once on the mucous membrane of the eyes of the victim, the venom gets into the blood stream immediately. For small animals one shot is fatal. Larger animals from him blind.

The ancestor of all dogs.

The name "Husky" comes from «huskimos» - this is how the sailors British merchant ships were called the local Aboriginal people - Inuit. Paleontologists from the Royal Belgian University of Natural Sciences believe that the first dog is likely to resemble the Siberian husky is on, however, they were slightly larger, and there - a little less than 32 thousand years ago.

As an indicator of Wool

Eskimos in severe frosts like ironic repeat that tonight they will need three dogs - just propped himself on three sides "living heaters," they do not freeze. The unique structure of wool not only allows the "Siberians" to work at temperatures down to minus 60 degrees, but also frees them from the common to almost all the dogs smell. But scientists from the University of Alaska believe that the scalp Huskies could help in detecting mercury pollution of the environment. According to lead author of the study, chemist Kriya Dunlap, hair is a good indicator of pT4. Feeling guilty

Husky owners are well aware that it is better not to leave pets alone in a long time. In the absence of the company they easily find their entertainment: on the street - "hunt", producing food, such as in dumpsters at home - "restoring order", acting as a shredder. Ethologist Frans de Waal in his book "Kind" describes an experiment to verify the guilt Huskies. One of the dogs loved to do in the absence of a host of different milling market. The owner could not be reconciled with broken old newspapers, but when he discovered important documents destroyed or unread mail, the dog received a "reprimand" and seemed to feel a sense of guilt. This remorse was reflected in the eyes of the faithful dog, even in cases where the owner himself tore the newspapers and scatter them around the room. The researchers concluded that the animal, rather, does not feel a sense of guilt, and worries because of the behavior of his angry master, who follows her misconduct. And she did not seem to matter who it sovershil.uti, with the "you do not have to kill the animal."

Zebra - one of the few types of equine mammals, among which also includes horses and donkeys. 

Unmatched hooves are probably an adaptation to run fast on hard ground. Zebra belong to the genus of horses, but among all the members of this genus have a very unusual appearance.
But why zebras stripes? When zebra gather predators is difficult to choose one horse from the pack. Different species have different types of zebra stripes - from narrow to wide.
In fact, the farther to travel to the south of the African peninsula, the stronger will be different colors of zebras.

Recent studies have suggested that zebra stripes also help them attract less mosquitoes.

At the height of adult zebra can reach from 110 to 150 centimeters, if you do not take into account the head. Weight zebras can vary greatly depending on the subspecies - from 175 to 380 kilograms. Males are usually 10 percent heavier than females.

Grevy's zebra - the largest species of horse. In the wild, zebras live on average 20-30 years and in zoos - up to 40 years.

Basically zebras eat coarse grass, but can also have leaves that make up about 30 percent of their diet. Zebras - social animals that live in small flocks.

Zebras running slower than horses, their maximum speed - 55 kilometers per hour, but they are quite hardy, it helps them to successfully flee from predators. When persecution, zebras can run from side to side, which does not allow a predator to catch them. When serious danger rears zebra can with the power to kick or bite the offender.

If the food in a certain place is abundant, such as in the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, zebras prefer to sedentary life. In the arid areas of the small group of zebras can be combined into larger and more together to migrate in search of food. Large flocks of zebras can travel a distance of 800 kilometers a year during migration.

Zebras are very dependent on the water, so they prefer not to go away from water bodies to which they should at least once a day to come to the watering hole. It is the duty of the oldest mare is leading the whole herd when they move from place to place, and ensure that the family was removed is not too far from the water.

Interesting facts about wolves

In fact, people are attacked by wolves is extremely rare, and even then, when people pose a direct threat. Like all predators, the wolf is forced to go on the hunt.
Wolves are intelligent animals and are easy to remember commands. So easy to become accustomed. An interesting fact is that each wolf own individual character: there are careful, others bold and fearless, others arrogant. Some notable in the pack and they are considered to be, others are quiet and modest.
On Earth, the wolves live a very long time. Human intervention in the environment wolf made its changes. Wolf has gradually turned into a dog and became his first assistant and protector. But that was a long time ago, several million years ago.
Wolves live in families, they religiously revere the "law of ranks". That is, according to him, each member ordered his place in the pack. The most powerful and clever run by a bunch, and all others must obey them.
The wolf family there are 6 of 15 animals. The strongest of them becomes the leader. Assistant becomes his loyal wolf. This pair of substantially and leads a flock. All matters relating to life-support pack resolves this pair. And so they all obeyed, the leader must be strong and bold.
Relationships in the pack

Between themselves, wolves, usually do not fight. But with animals from other flocks which have come on someone else's territory, fights often occur. Each pack has its territory to hunt, it is strictly guards its borders.
Wolves labeled it, thus showing who owns the territory. Anyone who invades their territory, will be severely punished. It happens that some - some weakling poisoned by his own countrymen. And when it gets hard, it leaves the flock. He becomes an outcast.
You do not like it? Sound familiar, does not it ?! You know the saying of the man - a lonely as a wolf? That's why he's gone from everyone as the rogue wolf, and lives alone. Over time, they can create a new pack, but for this he needs to meet a lone wolf.

The pack leader controls the males, the she-wolf of his girlfriend. To flock obeyed, the leader of the pack members growl, bite, chase them. And this happens in front of the wolves. Evil leaders look quite so others they obeyed.
Guilty animals spare the leaders, clinging to the belly of the earth. And sometimes fall on his back legs to the top. Thus, they show that they know who is boss.
An important role in communication between animals plays a tail. In the main it is raised high "pipe". In the middle of the hierarchy it is omitted, and at lower level in the wolf pack he is biased to the belly. But wolves love their leaders. This they did dedicate a ritual.
They pressed their ears and crawling with smoothed hair moving to the leader and his wolf, licking and gently biting them.