среда, 16 сентября 2015 г.


Cornucopia - as Cubans call the animal Caribbean sponge, which is shaped like a horn of plenty. All my life it sits in the same place, attach to underwater rocks or cliffs. It feeds on small animal single-celled organisms, which fall to it with sea water.
Horny substance of which was built the skeleton of the animal, according to their chemical composition similar to silk, contain large amounts of iodine. The height of the horn of plenty - more than a meter.
Besides this kind of Caribbean pink sponge found in the tropical coast of Central America and in the Mediterranean Sea.
Few people know that the sea sponge - the skeleton of the animal. This is a very archaic animal, almost unchanged since ancient times. At the beginning of the Paleozoic era, t. E. 520 million years ago, there were a sponge, like today.

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