среда, 16 сентября 2015 г.

Interesting facts about wolves

In fact, people are attacked by wolves is extremely rare, and even then, when people pose a direct threat. Like all predators, the wolf is forced to go on the hunt.
Wolves are intelligent animals and are easy to remember commands. So easy to become accustomed. An interesting fact is that each wolf own individual character: there are careful, others bold and fearless, others arrogant. Some notable in the pack and they are considered to be, others are quiet and modest.
On Earth, the wolves live a very long time. Human intervention in the environment wolf made its changes. Wolf has gradually turned into a dog and became his first assistant and protector. But that was a long time ago, several million years ago.
Wolves live in families, they religiously revere the "law of ranks". That is, according to him, each member ordered his place in the pack. The most powerful and clever run by a bunch, and all others must obey them.
The wolf family there are 6 of 15 animals. The strongest of them becomes the leader. Assistant becomes his loyal wolf. This pair of substantially and leads a flock. All matters relating to life-support pack resolves this pair. And so they all obeyed, the leader must be strong and bold.
Relationships in the pack

Between themselves, wolves, usually do not fight. But with animals from other flocks which have come on someone else's territory, fights often occur. Each pack has its territory to hunt, it is strictly guards its borders.
Wolves labeled it, thus showing who owns the territory. Anyone who invades their territory, will be severely punished. It happens that some - some weakling poisoned by his own countrymen. And when it gets hard, it leaves the flock. He becomes an outcast.
You do not like it? Sound familiar, does not it ?! You know the saying of the man - a lonely as a wolf? That's why he's gone from everyone as the rogue wolf, and lives alone. Over time, they can create a new pack, but for this he needs to meet a lone wolf.

The pack leader controls the males, the she-wolf of his girlfriend. To flock obeyed, the leader of the pack members growl, bite, chase them. And this happens in front of the wolves. Evil leaders look quite so others they obeyed.
Guilty animals spare the leaders, clinging to the belly of the earth. And sometimes fall on his back legs to the top. Thus, they show that they know who is boss.
An important role in communication between animals plays a tail. In the main it is raised high "pipe". In the middle of the hierarchy it is omitted, and at lower level in the wolf pack he is biased to the belly. But wolves love their leaders. This they did dedicate a ritual.
They pressed their ears and crawling with smoothed hair moving to the leader and his wolf, licking and gently biting them.

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